Monday, August 4, 2008

Ant Flat Road

Ant Flat Road – what an awesome name for a road! Call me morbid but it brings to mind a colony of ants trying to cross a freeway. Squished, flat ants.

I don't know how Ant Flat Road got it's name—I'm guessing there's Ant Flat (as in a meadow) somewhere and this road goes through it. So, how did I end up on a mountain at 8000 ft. on a dirt road, in the middle of a gorgeously sunny summer day, 50 miles away from the nearest lake, wakeboard or boat?

I was feeling a little under the weather—not well enough to wakeboard but well enough to go for a drive in the mountains. That's one of the cool things about Utah—lots of diversity. At least in terms of geography. Lot's of religious diversity too—we've got old Mormons, middle-aged Mormons and lots and lots of little baby Mormons.

We've also got incredible mountains and snow skiing, some of the most spectacular lakes (Lake Powell, Flaming Gorge, Bear Lake, etc.) and some of the most spectacular canyons and desert scenes (Arches, Bryce's, Capitol Reef, etc.) you can imagine.

So, we piled the two kids and the dog into the car, packed a lunch and stole our winding way up the mountain.

It was beautiful up there—desolate, wild, peaceful and lonely. Copses of quaking aspen rustled in the wind and dust devils sent spirals of grit and sand twirling through the air. Husky sounding ATVs pounded over the dusty trails, logs, rocks, the dog, the children...

We had a great time there relaxing, collecting rocks and taking pictures of the beautiful scenery. Below you'll find a few pictures from our trip. I've also added a new map that shows where we went and what we saw. You can view it by clicking here.


Innovative Defense said...

Very Nice blog. The commentary at the top expressed alot =)

amuse me said...

Thanks for visiting my blog -- your header is a great read also. You are right -- money and writing are hard to combine, but it is always worth a try. Thanks again for visiting and come back for more fun stuff.

Cindy Beck, author said...

Very funny. I loved your line about the diversity in Utah ... old Mormons, middle-aged Mormons and lots and lots of baby Mormons!

By the way, thanks for stopping by and reading my entry, "Milk of Amnesia". Loved your comment about the song "Lola" being played in the locker room at the gym! :)

Sounds like you need to write a blog entry about it!

Blogalicious Designs said...

Very cool pictures, i like the flowers....I LOVE to just go get lost in nature....just recently took a trip to our ranch in medina texas and sat for hours looking for arrow heads....soo fun...

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High Power Rocketry said...

Nice stuff man. The pics capture a hobby of mine.

Anonymous said...

Looks like beautiful countryside! It looks very similar to something I've seen lately! Wait a minute! I was there too. Is that the picture I took? Thanks goodness you took off the picture of me (your wife) and my dusty self! It was a beautiful day out there!

Good job on the blog.

Dave Beck said...

Thanks for all the comments. I'll be posting a new blog soon. Come back and visit!